Many of us get into a routine as we age, where we do the same things day after day — go to work, make dinner, workout, watch TV, go to bed. Wake up and do it all again the next day.

We fall into routine, and our lives become the same day after day. Your brain sometimes goes on auto-pilot as we move through the days, weeks and years.

Shake it up. Learn something new.

A new language, a musical instrument, a new skill. I recently learned to knit. I have always wanted to learn. I crochet, but knitting always seemed intimidating to me because you have to be co-ordinated with BOTH hands.

I ordered knitting needles, yarn, fancy scissors, these funny colorful pins… a whole knitting arsenal. I watched you tube videos on how to “cast on”, and jumped in with both feet!

Now I am knitting… I’m doing it… and on my way to completing my first little project!

Building Bigger Brains

It is good for your brain to learn something new. Learning something new causes the brain to build connections between neurons, even replacing some we may lose over time. Learning actually changes the physical structure of the brain.

Each time we learn something new, something we’ve never done before, our brain forms new connections and neurons. It can make existing neuro pathways stronger. This is called “plasticity”. This can improve our cognitive function, and aid in depression. It also increases brain volume and memory, and can help to aid in recovery from strokes and other brain injuries.

Improving neuroplasticity boosts neurogenisis. This is the formation of new cells in the brain. Our brain can actually increase in volume!

That’s why working out with OptimalBody is so important. David has given us thoughtful, specific excersises that help to build and improve our neuroplasticity! We are teaching our brain to connect to our muscles every time we work out!

Doing problem solving puzzles, sudoku and crosswords can also build neurogenesis.

We need all the help we can get with MS. Eating clean, staying hydrated, working out with David Lyons, and learning something new can help us stay ahead of this disease, and can lead to more fulfilling lives!

So, go and teach yourself something new today!!!
