So many of us are guilty of putting our health on the back burner to take care of others, or because our lives just get too busy… It’s time to put YOU first!!!

Start by trying to be more grateful and happy

When you are happy there are so many amazing benefits! An article from lists several benefits to turning that frown upside down.

Happiness has been shown to enhance your productivity. Studies have shown that happier people exercise more consistently. (If you are an OptimalBody member, you already know that David has you covered with thoughtful, specific exercises that help you stay ahead of MS!)

Happiness has been shown to lower your risk of cardiovascular disease and blood pressure. It allows for better sleep and enables you to maintain positive relationships. Positive people are drawn to positive people. Happiness also reduces stress levels, thereby combating cortisol and its associated negative effects, such as inflammation. Many times it is the case that we take for granted what we have. It is important that your mindset be happy, positive and grateful.

Look for the positive in your day and try writing a list of everything you’re grateful for… even if it seems inconsequential and small to you. Do it right now. Don’t put it off. Start putting YOU first! Write it down so you can review it whenever you may be feeling defeated by whatever you happen to be battling that day. You’ll be surprised how quickly these positive things stack up when you start to pay attention to them!

It is good to be happy!

Workout. Drink water. Eat cleanly to nourish your cells. Build lasting relationships with those that share your desire to achieve better health through proper nutrition, and smart, thoughtful workouts designed specifically for neurological health, like David’s!

Go after these things. Put YOU first, and I’m POSITIVE you’ll see the benefits!