Life isn’t always easy, kind or fair. I believe that no matter what obstacles or challenges you have in life, you must keep moving through them. You have to focus, invest and take action with what you want in life and that starts with good mental health and having realistic goals. Being Mentally and/or Physically FIT is a process and you can only achieve it by bettering yourself one day at a time.
I have worked with hundreds of clients and what elevated them to achieving their goals was believing that EVERY REP IS A STEP in life. You have to be consistent and every repetition you take is another step in the right direction. You can break bad habits with repetitions and/or upgrade your goals the harder you work at it. We can’t control what goes on in life but we can control our mind to be powerful, focused and clear.
As a person battling Multiple Sclerosis, YOU can take charge of your life’s direction with this disease and conquer it through the 3 Keys to Fitness: Mindset; Exercise and Nutrition.
David Lyons and I are dedicated to putting you on solid ground to have the strength both physically and mentally to win the fight against MS.
Let’s get moving and make every rep count!
Every Rep is a Step provides many benefits to the MS community:
- Motivational video inspiration by Shanna Ferrigno
- Ongoing support for Mental Fitness/Mindset in the battle against MS
- MS Exercise programs by David Lyons
- Educational programs by Shanna and David
- Nutritional programs through the MS Fitness Challenge and Ferrigno FIT
- Social Media connectivity to the worldwide MS community
- Nationwide Every Rep is a Step Seminar Program
We all have something we have or continue to struggle with in life. I have struggled with my weight for most of my life.
I have been mocked and shamed since the age of ten, because I didn’t live up to society’s standards of how “Lou Ferrigno’s” (The Hulk) daughter should look.
Though my parents always supported me, I never felt like I had a community that really understood or supported me in how hard it felt to break the cycle of emotional eating, finding balance with food & loving the body I had been given.
Six pack abs are lovely, but I believe in balance.
I also believe in having realistic goals and making every rep you take in life, mentally and/or physically, a step to achieving what you want.
The only way I learned to RESET myself was when I took the time to acknowledge (and accept) this:
Though it took decades to break most of my harmful habits, I had to work hard to find my authentic Blueprint so I could make the rest of my life sustainable (and fun)!
Now it’s YOUR turn to take control and write YOUR Blueprint for the rest of your life with MS.

Shanna Ferrigno
National Speaker and Author
Shanna has been a health and fitness educator for the past decade, she has helped balance thousands of people’s lifestyle coach. Traveling throughout the world, Shanna motivates her audiences everywhere she goes to take on the challenge of healthy living.
Daughter of the famed bodybuilder and actor, Lou Ferrigno, they created a very successful company known as Ferrigno FIT. A lifestyle brand that celebrates positive, healthy living with behavioral science, education, and entertainment to build personalized transformation programs aimed at helping individuals achieve their fitness goals.
From the journey of being an overweight kid to becoming a fitness and lifestyle coach, Shanna accumulated a lot of stories and experiences from clients to help them overcome their struggles with diet and exercise. After reflecting on these topics (as well as her own from childhood) Shanna was inspired and motivated to write The Reset Plan: Lose the Secrets, Lose the Excuses, Lose the Weight.

Shanna delves into the psychological triggers of weight loss from guilt and shame to loneliness and other emotions that can set person up for addiction and a constant battle with losing weight. Shanna helps her audiences recognize those triggers and helps them “RESET” cognitive patterns for successful weight loss and healing.
Shanna’s workshops and fitness programs in health, nutrition, and weight loss are brought to you with style, grace, and lots of humor her audiences everywhere adore.
Nutrition is one of the 3 Keys to Fitness and an integral part of conquering MS

Our EVERY REP IS A STEP program uses the Wahls Protocol as the foundation for the nutritional key, designed by Dr. Terry Wahls, a leading authority on nutrition for MS. Dr. Wahls is a supporter of the MS Fitness Challenge and the Every Rep is a Step program.
Dr. Terry Wahls is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa where she conducts clinical trials. She is also a patient with Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which confined her to a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. Dr. Wahls restored her health using a diet and lifestyle program she designed specifically for her brain and now pedals her bike to work each day.
She is the author of The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles and the cookbook The Wahls Protocol Cooking for Life: The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions.
She conducts clinical trials that test the effect of nutrition and lifestyle interventions to treat MS and other progressive health problems. She also teaches the public and medical community about the healing power of the Paleo diet and therapeutic lifestyle changes that restore health and vitality to our citizens.
Along with Dr. Wahls, our nutrition team brings MSFC Director of Nutrition Monica Pelle, RD, CPT an inspiring dietitian & personal trainer, who empowers people with MS to take control of their health by addressing the most important dimensions of their holistic health. Her one-of-a-kind Transformational Wellness approach has brought consistency & clarity to the lifestyle of many MS Warriors. David Lyons has been partnered with Monica for the last 7 years, with a shared passion for a lifestyle of exercise, nutrition and mindset in conquering this disease. She is an accomplished speaker & educator and was a key nutrition contributor to David’s book, Everyday Health and Fitness with Multiple Sclerosis. She’s ready to inspire, educate and support you with the success of your goals.
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