MSFC No Cost Programs
Thanks to the support of EMD Serono, a company that understands the importance of fitness in the management of MS. Their experience and scientific discoveries in MS date back more than 20 years.
Working out with Angie
Follow along during a complete exercise routine, lead by Angie Gensler, OptimalBody coach and MSer. The videos are separated into days by the major body parts they work. Don’t try to do all the exercises in the same day.
If you feel comfortable enough to stand, watch the first set of three videos. If sitting is more your speed, Take a look at the second set of three videos.

After quietly managing Multiple Sclerosis, focusing on daily self-care for 14 years, I met David Lyons of MS Fitness Challenge 5 years ago and realized I could do more. MSFC helped me recognize the deficits in my daily routines. With mentorship in proper nutrition, fitness and mindset, along with optimal supplementation, I have developed a daily regimen of self-care to become the best version of myself today. Sharing what I have learned and being a positive influence of change for others living with MS has been life changing. Proud to be named a coach for David’s OptimalBody Fitness Training Program to make a true impact in the MS Community
Standing Exercises
Day 1 – Chest, Back and Shoulders
Day 2 – Biceps and Triceps
Day 3 – Lower Body
Seated Exercises
Day 1 – Chest, Back and Shoulders
Day 2 – Biceps and Triceps
Day 3 – Lower Body