MS Fitness Challenge


Overcoming MS challenges on the road to fitness

MS Fitness Challenge Sep thru Dec 2016

By |2024-09-27T14:35:26-07:00August 4th, 2017|Events|

Elizabethtown, PA. Sept 10 - Dec 10, 2016 Our MSFC 12 week challenge in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania on September 12, 2015 at Elizabethtown Fitness Club was a huge success! Special thanks to all our participants and sponsors.   PROUD SPONSORS [...]

Makeup Artist With MS Becomes Triathlete With MS Marets Journey to Fitness

By |2021-11-16T13:57:04-08:00June 5th, 2017|Multiple Sclerosis|

As a former New Yorker now living in California, I love to hear about great things happening for people with multiple sclerosis in my old stomping grounds. Here’s a story that highlights the power of fitness that I think you’ll find inspiring and worth sharing. Maret Asaro’s first symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS) likely occurred [...]

14 Years of Bodybuilding With MS Kims Story

By |2017-04-07T16:06:12-07:00April 7th, 2017|Multiple Sclerosis|

I meet some pretty amazing people through the MS Fitness Challenge, the organization I run to encourage people to overcome multiple sclerosis with fitness and nutrition. I want to introduce you to one of those people, Kim Reed. Kim, 47, is a competitive bodybuilder from Colerain, in Belmont County, Ohio. Here is Kim’s story, in her [...]

Diary of an MS Relapse Treatment and Healing

By |2017-03-30T17:47:26-07:00March 30th, 2017|Multiple Sclerosis|

I am writing this installment of my relapse diary a month after I left off the last time. I am now going into my second month on the multiple sclerosis (MS) drug Rebif (interferon beta-1a), I’ve been back in the gym for a full month, I’ve made adjustments to my meds, and I’ve entered some uncharted territory [...]

Im Fighting Back but My MS Is Still Trying to Beat Me

By |2021-10-17T19:25:06-07:00January 9th, 2017|Multiple Sclerosis|

What a year 2016 was. I was honored as a finalist in both the Health Advocate Hero and Lifetime Achievement awards by patient community site WEGOHealth and received the Lifetime Fitness Inspiration Award from the Global Bodybuilding Organization. Kendra, my wife, and I opened our first OptimalBody Personal Fitness facility in Murrieta, California, held several 12-week MS Fitness Challenge events nationwide, and most important, [...]

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