Are you looking for an easy recipe that doubles as a great way to clean out your fridge? Try a Buddha Bowl! The topping choices are endless and it’s a fantastic way to introduce more plant-based meal options into your week!

Have fun with the possibilities… this is your canvas and you are the artist!!



  • Base of choice: Rice — white or brown, pasta or other grain. I’ve even made Buddha bowls on a bed of shelled edamame!
  • Vegetables of choice, chopped bite-size. Some examples are cucumber, tomato, broccoli, spinach, corn, smoked tofu… the list is endless.
  • Tamari or soy sauce for seasoning
  • Avacado Crema:
    • 3-4 ripe avocados blended with nutritional yeast
    • Season to taste with salt, garlic, fresh or ground pepper, lemon juice
    • Add just enough water to make it like a sour cream consistency


Putting it all together

  1. Put down your base
  2. Add the the chopped vegetables, make it pretty
  3. Sprinkle with tamari if using
  4. Add a dollop of avocado crema!
  5. Enjoy often

Bodacious Buddha Bowls

Have a bowl for me!😊