“Working with David Lyons and the MS Fitness Challenge has been an inspiring collaboration that I quickly began to realize the significance of when getting to know the roots of this organization. David has been there and done that, he models perseverance and does what he does for the greater good of the people he serves. The National Federation of Professional Trainers, NFPT, is excited to partner with David and the MS Fitness Challenge to bring awareness and education to certified personal trainers who can expand upon their scope of practice to include serving clients diagnosed with MS. Together we will help more people achieve improved daily living, mentally and physically, through fitness and exercise.”

Angie Pattengale, Director of Certification

NFPT has been certifying personal fitness trainers since 1988. Our organizational mission is to equip trainers and their clients with the education and tools that are needed to address America’s growing health concerns, and to promote fitness around the world. NFPT provides fitness trainers with the educational tools and resources needed to develop and enhance performance skills for the safe and effective training of apparently healthy individuals in a one-on-one or small group setting. Performance and knowledge-based skills are assessed by a legally defensible certification exam which, upon successful completion, earns the individual a NFPT Certified Personal Trainer, CPT, title.

If you are interested in learning to become an MS trainer, enroll in the new MS Fitness Essentials course by David Lyons:



Resolve to live a lifestyle of fitness and health. Choose to fight your chronic condition with guidance from certified professionals and a motivating community.